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4 Secret Weapons to Make You More Effective

Suncliff Terpene Gems

Whether you love it, are intimidated by it, or somewhere in between, there has never really been a way to extract specific elements of the cannabis plant in a way to have control over your experience, until now – AND without risk of intoxication. How is this possible you ask? The answer is Suncliff Terpene Gems.

I know that sounds like a weird sciencey name, but terpenes are the plant elements that are so common you probably come in contact with them on the daily, like essential oils, spices, or tannins in wine. For example, an indica strain usually makes you sleepy, but depending on which part of the plant your ingesting, it could be more or less effective each time, especially when you throw in variables.

Terpene Gems put the consumer in the driver’s seat by giving 4 options of desired experiences:

  • Calm

  • Creative

  • Energetic

  • Social

And with 0% THC and 0% CBD, it frees you up to try any and all of them, whenever you want!


Say you’re a working mom at home who is burnt out and anxious but don’t want to be high in the middle of the day, the calm terpene gem will be your best friend. Your husband still working from home? Calm gem. Your kid’s daycare gets shut down without notice and you have 3 conference calls that day? Calm gem. You can’t shut your brain off because of the 40 million lists of to-dos you have in your head? Calm gem.


I will admit one time in college I took Adderall before a big test. Was I prescribed this? No. But did I make gigantic to-do lists, organize my life, and go on a run at 4am? Yes, yes I did. However, since my body is no longer capable of handling most of the activities I participated in during college, things like that are just not an option. When I’m working on content or want to drum up video or song ideas, I pop a creative gem and it has been a game changer for me. I feel focused, productive, and in a zone where ideas come easier and I judge them less. So far, this has been my personal favorite.


Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, or some complicated combo, there will be a time where the social gem is the perfect antidote for all your social needs. Especially since the pandemic has made most people fairly rusty regarding the social scene. Going on a first date and have a hard time coming up with topics? Social gem. Have straight up social anxiety and your partner is dragging you to a party? Social gem. Have a commitment but you feel like just sitting in your robe binge watching Ozark? Social gem. It’ll loosen you up and help you engage in social settings instead of dreading them. And as an extrovert, I’ve found it only compliments the things I love about being with people.


I am a coffee addict. I love it but don’t particularly enjoy the jitters that come along with having too much. When my toddler didn’t sleep well and I want to still get that early morning workout in, I pop an energy gem. 3pm crash hitting? Energy gem. Instead of a substance that gets you all hopped up, the energy gem is a great alternative for whatever boost you might need in your daily life.

You can mix and match or choose your favorite, but either way you’re going to enhance your every day with these terpene gems.

These products are not only taking the cannabis world by storm, but presents a non-consequential way to participate in some of the benefits without the risk.

Click here to find out which gem is your jam!

For questions or if you just want to learn more about terpenes, follow @jakegeorgeofficial on tiktok.

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